Thursday, September 8, 2011

New Blog?

When I was a kid, and people would ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I wasn't sure what to say. If you know me, you know that I am not one who doesn't have anything to say. This was true especially when I was a kid. I would answer with a wide range of occupations, some of which were: teacher, author, checker at K-mart, opera singer....yes, I was focused.
The honest truth is, there is only one thing I have ever wanted to be. A stay-at-home wife and mom. Not only have I always respected and idealized my mom, but it's just perfect for my temperment and interests. Teaching my kids at home, organizing and cleaning my home, decorating my home, cooking, etc. Some of those things I'm good at. Some of those things are a work in progress. (Some of them a serious work in progress!)
My journey to becoming a self-proclaimed domestic dork is the purpose of this blog. Feel free to follow me on my quest, and any tips are MORE than welcome! :)


  1. Cute idea! You are amazing adding this to a newborn, toddler, young women's pres. and everything else. Or maybe just a bit crazy? :)

    Love ya,

